What Are You Waiting For?

Every year my bestie and I plan a girl’s trip. It is an opportunity to get away, experience a different place, and possibly cross something off the bucket list, but mostly create memories.

This year our trip was to Kentucky. We have passed through the state when going on other excursions but we wanted to actually spend some time there.

It was so much more than I had thought it would be. In fact, reflecting on the time and people we met, I learned a lot but I was also reminded of the important things in life that we tend to forget.

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Michele Woodallaction
My Grief Journey Continues... My Mom

While my mom’s death in July of 2020 was not a surprise, it was traumatic. Grieving is never easy. But I also was grieving our roles of Mom and Daughter getting turned around as I became one of her caregivers. She was still my mom, but it felt like I was the parent, evaluating her everyday needs and medical care. Is she comfortable, happy, and safe? How does she look? Is she frustrated? Is this normal behavior or should we be more concerned? I became “the parent” to my mom. I needed to go back in time and remember my mom before all the doctor appointments and facility care.

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Michele Woodall
The Fog

Fog. When we hear that word we understand we will have difficulty navigating through it. Things will seem unclear.

Working with people that are dealing with the pain of loss and grief I use the term foggy brain… a lot. Because that is what we are experiencing.

We can’t seem to focus on anything for too long. We struggle with doing activities that under normal situations would be easy. We forgot…a lot. We can’t seem to finish a conversation or task. We may injure ourselves. We may lose things. We are tired all the time because you can’t sleep. Or maybe we just want to sleep all the time. When we experience this we tend to be hard on ourselves. We think we are losing our minds. We believe something is wrong with us.

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GriefMichele Woodall
My Grief Journey...Through The Flood

I was still living, correction; I was existing in the house that Dave died in two years earlier. Although, my family was hoping I would move back to New Jersey where they lived but the thought of moving never even crossed my mind.
Remember, I was working way over 40 hours/week plus volunteering almost every weekend. #keepbusy #griefmyths

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Michele Woodall
My Grief Journey...It's not "just a pet" loss

Have you heard…”Well, it’s just a dog.” 

It’s certainly not “just a dog” loss for me and not for most of us. When you lose a pet you are losing a family member. And even though I’ve had several pets, one of the most difficult losses for me was when I had to make the difficult decision to put down my Australian Shepherd, Spinner, after 13 years together.  

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GriefMichele Woodall
My Grief Journey...I Don't Have the Luxury of Grieving

As an athlete, my Dad loved all sports but baseball was his passion.  His goal was to be a professional pitcher but an injury ended that dream. The injury and the fact that he had only daughters didn’t stop him from playing sports. In fact, he would invite me, the oldest of his three girls, to play with him. I was like the son he didn’t have and I say that only because, if you know me, you know that I am not the athletic type. But I loved my Dad so it was a no brainer to play sports with and for him. 

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GriefMichele Woodall
My Grief Journey...Continued With An Easting Disorder and Depression

After a wake up call with depression and an eating disorder, I went into full blown action. Also known as:  Keep busy! Really busy!

I married my high school sweetheart and the dream was that we would buy the house, have the family and live happily ever after. We bought the house, had the baby but a year later, I was divorced. Boy, I didn’t see that coming. One night he came home and said he didn’t want to be married anymore, just like a scene from a really bad movie.

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GriefMichele Woodall
Hide and Seek..... It's Not Just For Kids

I can remember a time when I actually dreaded the weekends. The weekends seemed to shine a floodlight on what I had lost, so I would hide. During the week it was easier to avoid feeling the pain of the death of a loved one as I could distract (aka busy) myself with work and volunteering which was also a form of hiding.

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Coaches.....Turning Dreams Into Reality

Do you have a Bucket List? 

It’s not as morbid as it may seem. And I believe everyone should have one.

Times passes faster than we expect and before you know it, you are looking back over the years and thinking; “How did I miss it?”

I wish I had started my bucket list earlier in life. But recently, I was able to complete an item on my bucket list: To compete in a dance competition!

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“Happy” New Year?

To be honest, I haven’t been a fan of celebrating or even acknowledging New Year’s Eve for the longest time.  In fact, I did my best to avoid it!

 December 31st is a day when many people will go out and celebrate bringing in the New Year! And others are just trying to get through the day, feeling like there is nothing to look forward to.

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